With the publication in the Federal Gazette, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) has launched a new funding phase of its funding programme “WIPANO – Knowledge and Technology Transfer through Patents and Standards” for the years 2024-2027.

The WIPANO programme supports the use of the creative potential of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular that have not registered a patent or utility model in the last three years.

As part of the programme, companies can receive a grant of up to 50% of the costs of a patent application (legal and official fees). A prior art search is mandatory at the beginning of the programme. As one of the leading German companies in the field of patent searches, Serviva GmbH offers this service cost-effectively and in excellent quality.

Click here for the BMWK press release: https://www.bmwk.de/Redaktion/DE/Pressemitteilungen/2024/02/20240206-3-wipano-foerderphase-mit-fokus-auf-unternehmen-gestartet.html

3rd WIPANO funding phase launched with a focus on companies! 1

Serviva was an exhibitor and participant at the PAFA conference in Hamburg for the first time in November 2023. Dr Lars Zanzig was at the new SERVIVA stand and had the opportunity to make new contacts.

At the PAFA conference there were informative and practical presentations and individual workshop modules for specialists and managers in the IP sector.

See you next time!

Serviva exhibits at PAFA conference for the first time 2

On 20 and 21 November 2023, Serviva GmbH was once again represented at Europe’s largest IP trade fair in Munich, IP Service World 2023.

We were there with our new stand, which received a very positive response from all sides.

Dr Lars Zanzig and Dr Raphael Jung were at our stand, where they had the opportunity to maintain customer relations and make new contacts.

Serviva GmbH will be present again next year at IP Service World in Munich.